السبت، 29 يناير 2011

Southern Poverty Law Center

n its Winter 2010 Intelligence Report, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the FRC as a hate group,[32][5] saying that the organization "pushed false accusations linking gay men to pedophilia."[33][34] FRC President Tony Perkins dismissed the hate group designation as the result of a political attack by a "liberal organization" and "the left's smear campaign of conservatives."[5] The FRC ran an open letter advertisement December 15, 2010 in two Washington, DC newspapers signed by, among others, twenty U. S. House of Representatives members (including incoming House Speaker John Boehner), three U. S. Senators, four state Governors, and one state Attorney General.[35][36] The open letter ad stated:
The surest sign one is losing a debate is to resort to character assassination. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal fundraising machine whose tactics have been condemned by observers across the political spectrum, is doing just that.

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